In the South Korean drama Divorce Attorney Shin (Netflix), based on the webtoon by Kang Tae-kyung, notes of interpersonal humor highlight Cho Seung-woo’s performance as a crusading lawyer with a handful of personality quirks and some personal drama of his own that inspires him in his cases. He was once a pianist, and a professor of music in Germany. But now, Shin has come home to Seoul, hung out his shingle, and pledged to be the divorce lawyer every underdog requires.
Opening Shot: “It’s not a crime to fall in love. I never wanted to take it this far.” The hammy dialogue we’re hearing isn’t from a case-of-the-week on Divorce Attorney Shin. It emanates from his favorite TV drama as Shin Sung-han (Cho Seung-woo) heats up a microwave dinner. “Where are you going?” he shouts at the characters. ”You have to sue his mistress!”
The Gist: Shin is happy